
    Another camera app from Nokia, one to rule them all

    Nokia camera

    Anyone with a Nokia Lumia, will know the growing number of photography apps as they leverage their imaging strengths. There’s Cinemagraph, Panorama, Pro Cam, Smart Cam, Smart Shoot and more. Now they’re combining a lot of these features in a single app. This should mean we can ditch 5-6 apps for a single one called simply Nokia Camera.

    And now for and Elop selfie. The point of this demo is to demonstrate the photo integration with Here Maps. Using the geotag information in the photo metadata, you can now zoom out on photos to see where they were taken and have them overlayed on a map. Very neat feature.


    This map isn’t just a dump layer, it’s actually an interactive map that gives you access to locations around where your photos where taken.

    PhotoHere Maps

    This post is authored by techAU staffers. Used rarely and sparingly when the source decided to keep their identity secret, or a guest author who isn't seeking credit.

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