
    Xbox Revealed Live Blog is a go!


    This morning the next Xbox will be unveiled. Following the success of the original Xbox and the Xbox 360, comes Microsoft’s 3rd console. That in itself is a scary concept given Microsoft is renowned for taking 3 times to get it things right. Given the 360 essentially won the last round of the console wars with their 2nd console, their 3rd is likely to be a winner.

    There’ll be no shortage of ways to consume the launch of the reveal, including the Xbox, online and even a recently released Live Video Player app for Windows Phones. Of course there’s a hashtag for the event #XboxReveal but we can do better than that.

    Here at techAU we’re up at 3AM AEST to cover the event live right here. You can expect our years of experience with controller in hand to deliver educated, opinionated, but most of all passionate reactions to the announcements.

    Watch out for the live blog right here.

    This post is authored by techAU staffers. Used rarely and sparingly when the source decided to keep their identity secret, or a guest author who isn't seeking credit.

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