In the past 24 hours, the world has watched on as Russia invaded Ukraine. While America’s President Biden joined other world leaders to issue sanctions in an effort to end the invasion, the war is continuing on many fronts.
While there are missiles in the air, guns in the streets, there’s also a war playing out in the digital space. As we know, our modern world relies heavily on interconnected systems, between financial, communication, military and core assets like utilities.
As the pain from international sanctions ramps up, Vladimir Putin’s response includes a retaliation to America and its partners. The Western world is not about to sit still and take cyberattacks from Russia, a known source of hacking, phishing, ransomware and other cyber security attacks.
While each country is likely to deploy its best cyber security talent to defending their countries, it looks like the official white hats, will have some help from the international hacking group known as Anonymous.
This group is made up of people from across the globe and while it may not be their full-time job, their skills should not be underestimated. While Russia has many resources on the ground in Ukraine, cyberattacks on Russia that impact their ability to operate could potentially be more influential than the official sanctions.
Our thoughts are with the innocent people of Ukraine and we hope Anonymous can be impactful in a meaningful way to fight against Russia who apparently didn’t get the memo that land grabs are not something the world is willing to accept in the 2020s and belongs in the history books.