

    WordPress 3.7 updates automatically

    If you’re website is powered by WordPress, it’s time to update again, version 3.7 ‘Basie” has just been released. techAU has just been updated to run 3.7, never a bad idea given the vulnerabilities that are discovered in older versions.  This release features some of the most important architectural updates we’ve made to date. Here are the big ones: Updates while...

    WP Pinner is back! Autopost WordPress posts to Pinterest

    Since Pinterest exploded, WordPress bloggers have dreamed of a way to auto-post to Pinterest. The WP Pinner project was first launched months ago and development on the plugin was almost complete when Pinterest pulled the rug out from under them. A change to the API meant that 3rd parties were unable to pin content to boards. But WP Pinner have...

    Word 2013 not ready to replace Live Writer

    Windows Live Writer is an amazing, free blogging application and ships as part of the Live Essentials package, for now. Microsoft is moving to end the Essentials products with the vision of transitioning people from Windows Live Writer to Word to blog. While this isn’t yet enforced, I decided to try living in the future and try out blogging from...

    WP Pinner plans to autopost WordPress to Pintrest despite API limitations

    Millions of bloggers run WordPress blogs, millions of users use Pintrest, so naturally we’d want to connect the two. It turns out Pintrest made a change to their API a few months back that prevents third parties from doing this. My go-to automation service is and when they didn’t offer Pintrest, I went on the hunt for a solution. ...

    WordPress 3.2 available now, drops IE6 support

    Once again its time for WordPress administrators to upgrade, this time to the latest 3.2 release. In this release WordPress finally drops support for IE6, given its 10 years, its about time. There’s also a new requirement on the back end to be running PHP 5.2.4 and MySQL 5.0, so just check what version your host runs before jumping into the upgrade....

    Sign up for the SQUARESPACE v6 beta, coming in ‘weeks’.

    One of the biggest upgrades to the simple website creation service, Squarespace will roll out to early testers in the next few weeks. If you want to have your name added to the list, then head over to the Squarespace blog. As you can see from the screenshots released, the new version comes with a significantly redesigned interface. “Squarespace V6...

    WordPress 3.1 ‘Django’ details leaked early, pulled.

    In a post to Facebook, WordPress 3.1 details have been released, although it appears to be by accident. If you visit the associated page, it’s currently blank, which looks like its pulled. WordPress only recently seen an update to version 3.0.5, however WordPress 3.1 is at RC4, so don’t be surprised if its officially released soon. According to...

    Engadget loses senior editor, AOL the cause

    Senior Associate Editor of Engadget, Paul Miller has just announced he is leaving. After writing for Engadget for over 5 years Paul has written a staggering 5,500 posts and more than 1.5 million words. In a post on his personal blog, Paul sights AOL as the primary reason for leaving Engadget. Image credit: Engadget ...

    Latest Posts

    WordPress 3.7 updates automatically

    If you’re website is powered by WordPress, it’s time to update again, version 3.7 ‘Basie” has just been released. techAU has just been...

    WP Pinner is back! Autopost WordPress posts to Pinterest

    Since Pinterest exploded, WordPress bloggers have dreamed of a way to auto-post to Pinterest. The WP Pinner project was first launched months...

    Word 2013 not ready to replace Live Writer

    Windows Live Writer is an amazing, free blogging application and ships as part of the Live Essentials package, for now. Microsoft is...