
    FlipToast brings Facebook and Twitter to Consumer Preview

    FlipToast Windows8 app

    It was surprising when the Windows Consumer Preview shipped without any Social Networking apps in the store. If you remember back to the Developer Preview, users were able share out content using the Tweet@rama app, but in the CP release that disappeared. Now that situation has been remedied with the first Facebook and Twitter integration app for Windows 8.

    As with all apps in the Store right now, FlipToast is available for free. FlipToast had previously been a desktop app to manage Facebook. The developers describe their Windows 8 app below..

    FlipToast serves up an always on connection to your online social life. Interact and engage with your friends and family on Facebook and Twitter in a whole new way. Share your experiences from anywhere on the device – directly using FlipToast. Never miss an update from your social graph through the live tile. Discover relevant content from your network using our social search. Update your status, share photo memories, engage with posts and tweets by liking, commenting, tweeting and much more.

    Functionality-wise, your unlikely to replace MetroTwit with it, or Facebook in either edition of IE10, but this is still an important release. With developers working hard on developing their own apps for Windows 8, there’s actually very few that operate as a share target. FlipToast now allows those apps that enable the Share Contract to share to Facebook or Twitter via FlipToast.

    The app does break the Metro UX guidelines in a number of ways. Annoyingly many interactions like clicking on a Facebook post, result in being thrown out to the browser. Clicking on a media element opens in a popup FlipView and scrolling mixes vertical and horizontal orientations.


    FlipToast 2FlipToast SearchFlipToast Share[7]FlipToast Gallery

    If you’re running Windows 8 CP, then search for FlipToast in the store, if not, then head to the Windows Store Preview

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