The images above show the traffic stats from techAU in Weeks, Days and Months. These stats are gathered from the WordPress stats application. I also track page visits using AWstats, which also shows strong growth and February being the best month so far.
As I often to, I was checking out the stats for my site I was very happy to see the numbers of views are increasing, particularly in February, they’ve taken a steep turn north.
This is great news considering techAU is coming up on it’s first birthday in March. It’s taken a while, but according to WordPress blog stats, I’m getting close to 2000 views a month. Multiply that out and it’s almost 25,000 visits a year.
AWstats shows the past few days, there’s been around 400 views a day. Multiply that out 400*30 = 12,000 a month, or 144,000 for the year. The difference between the stats applications could be attributed some to search indexers and some to my own visits which WordPress stats don’t include.
Seeing growth like this just spurs me on to continue blogging and increase the quality of every post.
Thanks to all who regularly visit techAU.