
    iiNet NBN plans answer NBN dream. 100Mbps + 1TB = $99pm.

    iiNet NBN Plan

    The NBN dream of delivering faster speed and better prices is finally being realised. This morning iiNet have announced their retail NBN plans. Earlier this year Internode took a lot of heat for their NBN offerings being too expensive ($189.95 for 100/40, 1TB plan). Internode pointed to NBN interconnect costs as the reason why, but since then Dodo, Exetel, but more importantly, iiNet have announced significantly cheaper plans.

    At the time of the Internode pricing announcement, the Government’s Minister for Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy, Stephen Conroy suggested competition would bring prices down and after today’s announcement, it seems he was right. Early reaction online this morning seems overwhelmingly positive for these prices. Not entirely surprising given moving to an iiNet NBN plan would dramatically increase speed and downloads – Win/Win.

    iiNet NBN Plans

    While there may be 12 options, the top plan is most inviting. 1TB of downloads, at 100Mbps down and 40Mbps up for just $99.95 per month. All the iiNet NBN plans require a 24 month plan, but if that’s the barrier to entry, sign me up now.

    iiNet’s plans don’t cater for the entry level pricing, look to Dodo or Exetel for that, but at the medium to top end of the market, iiNet are currently the cheapest. Your move BigPond and Optus.

    The only problem with the iiNet NBN plans is that most of us can’t get them yet. Now the pricing is in line with what we expected to see, the only question left is how fast it can be rolled out.

    VOIP phone service can be added for $9.95pm. The NBN prices are also available to business but the top plan costs $30pm extra.

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    Jason Cartwright
    Jason Cartwright
    Creator of techAU, Jason has spent the dozen+ years covering technology in Australia and around the world. Bringing a background in multimedia and passion for technology to the job, Cartwright delivers detailed product reviews, event coverage and industry news on a daily basis. Disclaimer: Tesla Shareholder from 20/01/2021

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