If you’ve ever felt twitter’s limit of 140 characters of text has been too restrictive, then Shoutoo’s got you covered. It allows for images, embedded videos. Currently there’s video support for YouTube, vimeo, jumpcut and eyespot. Also supported are links to mp3, mp4,mov, and m4v files, which playback in the stream.
Clicking an image in the stream dims the rest of the site, and brings the selected image to the forefront, no new page no refresh, or back and forward nonsense. When your done, simply click close and your back to Shoutoo.
Another great feature of Shoutoo, something I know a lot of people have wanted for a long time, is the ability to delete posts. Simply click the red cross on your post and it’s deleted.
Shoutoo also let’s you add your other social network accounts for twitter, pownce and jaiku, while Facebook and Digg integration is on the way. Shoutoo’s main drawcard will likely be the additional functionality of it’s own service.
I’ve been lucky enough to be the first press to be allowed into the beta and now have invite codes for 20 lucky people to try out the service. To get one, simply leave a comment on this post and I’ll send it to the email address you leave (not published).
18 invites remaining
Shoutoo is a great new service out of Perth, Australia. It’s great to see some local Australian development in this space, as most new apps come out of the US.
You can check it out @ Shoutoo.com