
    Introducing Vizual, the fullscreen twitter stream for Windows 8


    Vizual is a Windows 8 app that lets you visualise your twitter stream in a simple, fullscreen mode. This app is perfect for that spare monitor or even a business display. Once you’ve signed in, you’ll see your timeline stream down the screen.

    There’s landscape and portrait orientation support, so regardless of how your desktop screens are configured, Vizual will let you watch the world flow by. I use it to glance across at information on twitter while being productive on my primary display.

    In the future I’ll add new display options for tweets as well as the ability to search for a keyword or hashtag. In version 1.0, if you select tweet that contains a URL, the bottom app bar opens and allows you to open that link using IE10.

    Given twitter is something most of us use on a daily basis, I set the price at A$1.49 which is great value for money considering the hours of development that went into the application. For more information, please head to

    For now you can see Vizual in action in the promo video below.

    This post is authored by techAU staffers. Used rarely and sparingly when the source decided to keep their identity secret, or a guest author who isn't seeking credit.

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