
    New Digg is live.. branded v1


    Digg’s new owners have overhauled the Digg website. After rebuilding the site over the past 6 weeks, today the relaunch has arrived. It’s a refreshing change to the layout, so much of a diversion, they are branding it Digg v1. Personally I like the change, and clicking on articles now takes you directly to the source site, not to a digg page.

    Digging happens AJAX style and a new ‘save to iPhone’ feature allows you to save articles for reading later with the mobile app.  The new layout features editorial selected stories, while the most popular and upcoming stories are located below the fold.

    Check out the new Digg at the same old address –

    More info @

    This post is authored by techAU staffers. Used rarely and sparingly when the source decided to keep their identity secret, or a guest author who isn't seeking credit.

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