
    Next iPhone event scheduled for September 10th (sources say)


    AllThingsD have always had a good relationship with Apple are reporting that their sources are telling them Apple’s next event is scheduled for September 10th. What’s not clear is what’s on the agenda. While it’s widely expected that we’ll see an iPhone 5S according to Apple’s annual release schedule, the cheaper iPhone may also be on show.

    Apple’s done a fantastic job with market penetration across the developed world, but are undoubtedly looking at the likes of Nokia who are selling big numbers of devices into emerging markets and wanting  piece of the action. The challenge will be to deliver a high quality product that protects Apple’s brand, while delivering a much cheaper price point.

    Developers have now been through months of beta versions of iOS7 which is expected to be complete by the time September 10th rolls around. In recent years, Apple has kept the announcement of a new phone and the shipping date at just a few days. If Apple are going to ship the next iPhone running iOS7, it will need to finalized and sent to China for production very shortly.

    So there’s just a month to wait for the next iPhone, an iPhone that will really need to be impressive to stem to flow of customers to the bigger and faster Android devices.

    More information at AllThingsD –

    This post is authored by techAU staffers. Used rarely and sparingly when the source decided to keep their identity secret, or a guest author who isn't seeking credit.

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