
    Photos from Canon’s Digital Show 2012


    Over the weekend, digital photography fans in Melbourne were treated to a showcase of everything canon. The Digital Show 2012 took place at Melbourne Convention and Entertainment Centre and quickly had fans around the country asking if the show was travelling to their city.

    One of the showcase items at the event is their latest Cinema EOS professional camera, the C300. Check out this YouTube video of the C300 which makes a 7D look like a kids toy. Most people aren’t going to mortgage their house to get this bad boy, but its fun to dream. The point of the show was to showcase Canon’s technology, inspire photographers, but at the heart of it, get people buying Canon gear. Judging by the crowds, the event was a big success.

    Canon have posted a gallery of photos from the event on their Facebook page.

    Canon 2012

    This post is authored by techAU staffers. Used rarely and sparingly when the source decided to keep their identity secret, or a guest author who isn't seeking credit.

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