
    Python not the most popular programming language this year.. (updated)


    Thanks to some investigative work by Reddit, it turns out the jerks over at CrispyCodes just ripped off this graphic from props to Terence over at TechGeek for getting to the source of this data.

    In a sweet infographic from, we find out that surprisingly Python was the programming language of choice this year. Making up the largest share at 29.8% Python is a pretty big surprise as it gets almost not public attention. Programming languages are sometimes sexy as they power the services we use everyday, but often just do there job and are unheard. Python is in use at Google, Yahoo, CERN and NASA.

    The domination of Python is followed closely by Java 25.8 which is used heavily by the web and powers Android. These two are really in a league of their own with the closes competitor C++ which drives a lot of Windows applications and some networking infrastructure.

    The more popular languages like Javascript, C# and Objective C have relatively small slices of the programming market this year. Objective C is the language that iOS apps are written in and despite the hundreds of thousands of apps available in the App Store, it accounts for just .1%, wow that’s tiny.

    Even C# at just 2.5% is an amazing stat given that it’s one of Microsoft’s most heavily supported languages in their move to Windows 8 and Windows Phone 8 apps.

    For more information, head over to

    This post is authored by techAU staffers. Used rarely and sparingly when the source decided to keep their identity secret, or a guest author who isn't seeking credit.

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