
    Rove talks twitter, will it go mainstream in Australia ? (updated)

    Tonight in front of a prime time TV audience of a couple million Australian’s, Rove McManus discussed “This new thing called twitter.”

    Clearly they’re knowledge of twitter is extremely limited, especially given that Rove McManus, Carrie Bickmore, and Peter Hellier all have twitter accounts with 0 updates.

    It seems the only cast member who does actively use twitter – Dave Hues (@DHughesy) is only on Rove every second week in 2009. Unfortunately he wasn’t on this week to discuss twitter. I’ve suggested he should bring up twitter next week.

    I found the the discussion really disappointing, with Rove’s explanation being basically.. “first there was myspace, then facebook and now for people who can’t even be bothered with that there’s Twitter.” The discussion was really only surface-level deep, explaining that you basically follow what people are up to (i.e. what they’ve had to eat.). Sorry but there’s so many more great reasons to use twitter. A few of those being crowd sourcing answers, finding jobs, product / service promotion, developing community following, or simply doing business. A great example being Dell attributing over $1Million dollars worth of sales to twitter in 2008 [link].

    Despite this, tonight’s discussion it’s likely to be the first of many on Australian TV, so expect to see a lot more Australian’s on twitter.

    Remember a lot of new users will be trying to understand the true benefits of twitter, so please help them understand the many, many uses that we all know and love.

    Naturally twitter is alight with buzz around the topic, you can watch the discussion here –

    Jason Cartwright
    Jason Cartwright
    Creator of techAU, Jason has spent the dozen+ years covering technology in Australia and around the world. Bringing a background in multimedia and passion for technology to the job, Cartwright delivers detailed product reviews, event coverage and industry news on a daily basis. Disclaimer: Tesla Shareholder from 20/01/2021

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