
    Tag: Programming

    EcoFlow DELTA 3 Plus and RIVER 3 Plus Promise Practical Portable Power

    EcoFlow has launched two new portable power solutions targeting Australia's growing demand for reliable mobile energy solutions. The release comes as Australians increasingly embrace outdoor activities, with over 15 million caravan and camping trips recorded in 2023, alongside rising concerns about electricity grid blackouts during extreme weather events. The DELTA 3 Plus priced at $1,599, positions itself as a home backup power solution that doubles as...

    Tesla hiring for FSD testers in Australia again? New Vehicle Operators Sydney (Test Driver) job ad

    Tesla Australia recently posted a job ad for a 'Vehicle Operator Sydney (Test Driver)', similar to a 2023 role that was discontinued. The new position involves data collection and reporting, with a focus on driver assistance systems, hinting at preparations for a future Full-Self Driving launch in Australia.

    Roborace’s season alpha video will make you want to be a programmer

    If you're kid at school, deciding what your future should be, or could be, then I encourage you to watch this video. The video...

    All NSW kindergarten students will receive compulsory coding training from 2019

    Announced in the lead up to Christmas, the NSW Government has made a bold and important change to the way we education our children....

    10,000 Aussie programmers that happen to be kids, set world record #Moonhack

    Yesterday something pretty phenomenal happened. Around 10,000 Aussie kids became part of history setting a world record for the largest number of kids programming within a...

    Senator Carr meets Australia’s first humanoid robot

    During Australia's federal election campaign, our politicians are travelling the country to meet with businesses, often with complimentary announcements of funding. With a double dissolution called,...

    Facebook just did something awesome for you and your kids

    The jobs of the future won’t be in manufacturing, they’ll be in writing the software that drives the robots in the factories. Programming is...

    Telstra launch new WiFi API for developers

    Telstra have just released a new API for developers to leverage in their applications. The latest API is for WiFi hotspots and allows...

    Adding coding to schools will make Aus unrecognizable in 20yrs

    Comedian and maths geek, Adam Spencer just wrapped up is morning keynote at the MoodleMoot conference in Melbourne. After explaining the world's search for...

    MIT’s EV-powered Cheetah learns to jump obstacles

    MIT researchers have developed an algorithm for jumping over obstacles with their robotic cheetah. With the security of tethers from above, the Cheetah...

    Android Nanodegree, learn how to develop for the next billion users

    This isn’t the sexiest video you’ll ever watch, but it is likely the most important you’ll watch this week. Education is something dear...

    Shorten wants mandatory coding classes for all Australian schools

    Opposition Leader Bill Shorten has called for the introduction of mandatory programming classes in all Australian Schools. Here here. Computers are impacting every...

    Python not the most popular programming language this year.. (updated)

    Updated Thanks to some investigative work by Reddit, it turns out the jerks over at CrispyCodes just ripped off this graphic from props to Terence...

    LIFX call for developers – Java, Objective-C and Ruby initially

    LIFX have just put out the call to developers in their latest update. In project update #18, the team at LIFX Labs...