
    Tesla’s Holiday Update is 2020.48.25, looks like no V11 until 2021

    While Tesla’s over the air updates roll out regularly to fix bugs and provide additional value to existing owners, there is typically one massive annual release, that includes a full step in the version number.

    As I sit Supercharging my Model 3, my car’s software is v10.2 (2020.48.12.1). This means the next major release should be V11.

    When we look historically when these major annual updates have occurred, we’re well overdue.

    • V10 – September 2019
    • V9 – October 2018
    • V8 – September 2016
    • V7 – October 2015

    Back on November 8th, Elon hyped the new software release with this tweet.

    On November 9th, Elon posted a cryptic response when asked about hints of what will be included.

    On December 9th, I posted to Elon, a question around the release date, but didn’t get a response.

    On Christmas Eve, Musk replied to a question about when we should expect the new update, remembering he referred to this as the ‘holiday update’ when he very easily could have used the V11 terminology. That suggests we may not see V11 until 2021.

    As we see historically from the release dates of previous major software versions (above), 2017 was actually missed, so it is certainly possible that Tesla doesn’t ship one this year.

    Based on a leaked screenshot on reddit today, it looks like the holiday update’ will feature the build number 2020.48.25, obviously lacking the big bump to V11.

    From the screenshot (weirdly out of Norway), it hints at 3 new games, but that wouldn’t really explain the earlier hints from Musk, there has to be more to the store.

    The new games are unfortunately not A list titles, so hard to get too excited about, what would be great is support for Microsoft’s xCloud, or Google Stadia game streaming services.

    The new games are:

    • The Battle of Polytopia,
    • Cat Quest
    • Solitaire

    A full V11 release may have been delayed due to Coivd-19 and generally 2020 being a mess, but seems more likely to be related delays in shipping FSD beta to a wider audience. I’m sure by the end of 2020, Musk had planned to have FSD beta out to most Tesla owners, many of which have paid as much as $10k for the car to drive itself on city streets.

    From FSD beta participants, we know there’s a big UI overhaul with the vehicle’s representation changing dramatically, to a 3/4 view that includes slick animations, like when doors open etc.

    Being Christmas Day already in Australia and no sign of an update, it looks like this holiday update (a US reference) is at best going to drop before the end for 2020, but Muskyclaus did not leave an OTA update under the tree this year.

    Jason Cartwright
    Jason Cartwright
    Creator of techAU, Jason has spent the dozen+ years covering technology in Australia and around the world. Bringing a background in multimedia and passion for technology to the job, Cartwright delivers detailed product reviews, event coverage and industry news on a daily basis. Disclaimer: Tesla Shareholder from 20/01/2021


    1. BTW, Norway is Tesla’s largest marked in regards of population, and is often the first marked to recieve updates, much to do with a customer base giving constant feedbacks on the cars, helping Tesla forwards. There are nearly 60 000 Teslas in Norway, a country with app. 5 million inhabitants. Take a look at

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