NBN’s Skymuster 2 satellite is about to launch into space from the French Guiana Space Centre in South America, ready for service later this year. You can watch the important launch right now at http://www.videocorner.tv/prod.nbn/
The second of nbn’s satellites is designed to bring faster internet and share the load of an increasing customer base, to remote parts of Australia. The second satellite will raise the Sky Muster system to 135Gbps of capacity. Satellite service is a key part of the multi-technology mix of Australia’s National Broadband Network in areas where its not feasible to delivered wired or even fixed wireless internet. Inside the rocket, is the 6,405kg payload, one of the largest commercial satellites ever launched.
Skymuster 2 will join the more than 1,000 active satellites currently in space, circling the earth that provide us with communications, weather and research data, as well as entertainment like TV, movies, sports and more.
In may of this year, nbn launched an opportunity where Australians could submit photos of themselves to be placed on the rocket – https://www.blastyourfaceintospace.com.au/
The launch occurred successfully. While the big launch occurred today, the satellite won’t be ready for customers for a couple of months.