
    What’s going on with the podcast ?


    It’s been quite a while since the last episode of the techAU podcast. After publishing 39 episodes of a video podcast (many of them in HD) it’s come time to consider the future of the podcast. The production of each episode is a very time consuming process, despite the simplistic end product. There’s filming, editing, rendering multiple video formats, uploading and updating the site.

    It’s been an amazing experience to watch the number of downloads grow (over 1000 per episode) and receive such positive feedback from the community. I really appreciate all your feedback, the good and the bad, so thankyou to all those who’ve emailed me, left comments and sent tweets, keep it up.

    I love podcasting, but the current format even bores me at times (especially a couple hours into editing), arriving more out of evolution rather than conscious decision.

    So where to from here ?

    techAU Podcast

    I’ll be making fundamental changes to the format of the podcast, making it more entertaining, more engaging and more appealing to sponsorship opportunities, enabling the longevity and further development of techAU long into the future. I want the podcast to appeal to not only thousands, but to tens of thousands and beyond. To achieve this, the new format will incorporate new shorter segments, titles, set design and much more footage from the content that’s being discussed. This will really take advantage of the use of video over audio-only podcasts.

    I’ll also look at the best method of distribution for the podcast. There’s really two schools of thought on this, host the content yourself, or spread your content on all video services available. This decision is still yet to be made, but I’m leaning towards driving all traffic to where advertising on the site could eventually produce substantial revenue.

    The changes will result in a longer production time (which may seem like the reverse to what I should be doing), but if I’m going 2 put in the time I do to create an episode of the podcast, I want to be happy with the final product. This will likely mean that episodes will happen every fortnight, not every week which I’d been attempting, yet rarely meeting.

    The good news is that I have all the skills and tools necessary to accomplish this. I love technology and believe I can offer some informative, entertaining views on the developments of the industry.

    So look forward to episode 40, being the first of a new generation of podcasts from techAU.

    Jason Cartwright
    Jason Cartwright
    Creator of techAU, Jason has spent the dozen+ years covering technology in Australia and around the world. Bringing a background in multimedia and passion for technology to the job, Cartwright delivers detailed product reviews, event coverage and industry news on a daily basis. Disclaimer: Tesla Shareholder from 20/01/2021

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