
    3D Printing

    Star Wars Unlimited arrives in time for Star Wars day

    In the middle of the play mat, there are the bases and leader cards. In the foreground are the resources cards, and in my hand are unit cards that cost (from left to right) two, one, four, and three resources to play. I'm playing as the Imperial side in this game.

    I just 3D printed a broken Ryobi throttle for our whipper snipper and fixed it!

    Many of us have been in that situation of using a product and it breaks, not through misuse, but occasionally through design flaws. Rather than replace the whole product, you DIY the fix. Recently our Ryobi line trimmer (whipper snipper) was an example of this, where the plastic throttle mechanism snapped. After a quick search online it doesn't seem that Ryobi makes it particularly...

    What are you 3D printing this Easter? It better not be a Honda logo.

    3D Printing for most people is a hobby, a way to turn something digital, into a physical 3D object. You may give prints to friends and family for presents or just present them proudly on a shelf. Either way, in this context it's hard to see any harm. Recently Honda started enforcing the copyright of their logo in the 3D community. While they're perfectly...

    What I learned about 3D Printing after owning one for 24hrs

    I recently turned 40 and my awesome friends bought me one of the best presents I could imagine, a 3D printer. I had watched on the sideline for years as 3D printers became more common (perhaps not as common as some had predicted), but never jumped in and bought one. Now I have one, it's a great opportunity to learn, have fun and write about...

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    Star Wars Unlimited arrives in time for Star Wars day

    In the middle of the play mat, there are the bases and leader cards. In the foreground are the resources cards, and in my hand are unit cards that cost (from left to right) two, one, four, and three resources to play. I'm playing as the Imperial side in this game.

    I just 3D printed a broken Ryobi throttle for our whipper snipper and fixed it!

    Many of us have been in that situation of using a product and it breaks, not through misuse, but occasionally through design flaws. Rather...

    What are you 3D printing this Easter? It better not be a Honda logo.

    3D Printing for most people is a hobby, a way to turn something digital, into a physical 3D object. You may give prints to...