
    Tag: Gaming. Xbox

    New NRMA Mittagong RSL fast chargers are eLumina D1 with built-in 193kWh battery

    After a tip off from an EV industry contact I have confirmed with two other people that eLumina D1 model DC fast chargers with built-in 193kWh battery are to be installed at the NRMA charging stop located at Mittagong RSL. Lisa Marsh (CEO of eLumina Global) told me that the D1 is currently in use in Parkwood Village on the Gold Coast and also in...

    Victoria is ready for 444 Tesla Megapacks to be installed

    Victoria is spending $1 billion on building 4.5 gigawatts of new renewable energy generation and storage projects. The first project as part of this funding by the SEC is another massive grid-scale battery to help with the transition to renewable energy. This will create another one of the world’s biggest battery projects, known as the Melbourne Renewable Energy Hub (MREH). Minister for Energy & Resources Lily...

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