The lightest ‘full size’ tablet just got announced. The iPad Air is just 234grams (1 pound). It’s thinner and lighter and has the new A7 processor as well as the M7 processor.
They are keeping the same 10hour battery life and using MIMO they are getting twice the network throughput. New processors and sensors for the iPad Air cameras mean better, cleaner photos.
Apple also announced that over the life of the iPad, they’ve sold more than 170 Million iPads. With Apple including iWork and iLife for free, then they’re well on their way to selling many, many more.
The new iPad Air is available in While and Silver, as well as black and space grey.
The new iPad Air replaces the existing top of the line iPad and costs US$499, but they are retaining the iPad 2 and ships November 1st and Phil Shiller made a point of including China in the list of launch countries (this will be the WiFi only version).