Announcements (My thoughts in italics)
- Steve now on stage, giving a review of statistics from different products, particularly the iPhone SDK – over 250,000 downloads.
- 35% of Fortune 500 companies have participated in the iPhone Enterprise beta.
- Demonstration of how easy the SDK is to use.
- Mac OSX 10.6 is titled Snow Leopard
- Super Monkey Balls game will be available in App Store for US$9.99
- eBay available on iPhone – Free!
- Location-aware social network – Loopt, (Competitor to Brightkite?)
- TypePad on iPhone – blogging tool (Common WordPress!!)
- Associated Press have ‘Mobile News Network’ app – Free!
- More game demonstrations from Pangea Software – Enigmo, Cro-Mag Rally (3D) are $9.99 each.
- (Is this becoming the price point for iPhone games ?)
- (Everyone pretty keen for them to bring Steve out on stage)
- Music application demo, not sure about price.
- Medical applications (looks cool but audience seems small – medical students)
- New 3D fantasy adventure game from Digital Legends – Uses OpenGL and touch controls – Game will be available in September.
- Discussing the #1 requested feature is support for applications that run in the background.
- Push notification service, kinda like a staging area, available in September
- Steve on Stage, announcing 8 new features..
- Contacts SEARCH!!
- iWork + Office support on iPhone
- Save images to device!!
- Upgraded calculator (scientific)
- Parental controls
- Additional language support (Japanese)
- New features free to existing iPhone users
- Released in July
- Apple charging $9.95 to iPod Touch users for new features
- App Store available from the device, update notifications
- Discussing enterprise features, applications can be distributed via intranet
- New service: MobileMe announced! – “like having exchange for the rest of us”, provides push email, calandars, contacts to those without exchange. Works with Mac apps, and Outlook on PC. Send photos from iPhone to MobileMe directly from device, to share with friends.
- MobileMe replaces .Mac and costs $99 per year
- (UI on MobileMe looks pretty slick)
- iDisk application
- Steve talking about iPhones.. 6 Million sold to date.
- New iPhone will have
- 3G
- 3rd party apps
- Availability in more countries
- iPhone 2 officially announced! (PICS)
- Same display size (3.5”)
- Flush headphone jack (crowd errupts)
- 3G vs Edge comparison (36% faster than Nokia N95 and Treo 750)
- Battery Life
- 300 hours of standby
- 10 hours of 2G talk time, 5 hours of 3G talk time!
- 5-6 hours of browsing
- 7 hours of video
- 24 hours of audio
- GPS now included in iPhone 3G
- Combines GPS locations with Cell towers and Wi-Fi locations
- International rollout
- Coming to 70 countries – over the next few months
- Price
- iPhone 3G 8GB – US$199, 16GB – US$299, also available in White
- July 11th – 22 countries
Coverage is now complete, we wait now for localised announcements from Australian carriers.
Coverage Updates
- Probably unrelated, but is down.
- Leo back online
- is currently down.. 5800 viewers wait Leo’s return.
- Best pictures –
- 3:35 – Just checked Australian providers websites, still no updates or updates to the iPod Touch firmware.
- TechWiredAU live coverage –
- Twitter still up!
- Best Live coverage (text/images) –
- Best audio stream – Cali Lewis streaming live –
- TwitLive now has over 7000 viewers, all watching very choppy video
- Crunch Gear is being hit pretty hard, has been down –
Good morning iPhone lovers.. it seems the event has claimed it’s first victim, I had planned to use CoverItLive to live blog the announcements. It’s currently down.
I’m watching Leo on twitLive and his stream (or stickam) rather is seriously choppy. Other sites are beginning to post pictures of people entering the keynote room… not long now till Steve takes the stage.
Keep an eye out here over the next few hours for an overview of all the coverage.
Planned coverage monitoring
I’ll be watching the coverage from multiple different tech blogs and posting all the details from Apple’s WWDC Keynote here.
I’ll have 2 x 24” monitors + laptop with all the top technology sites open, watching their coverage, as well as twitter and pownce desktop clients. This Live coverage will be a summation of the announcements from Steve Jobs’ keynote. I’ll also clearly define my personal opinion on any announcements.
So please tune in tomorrow morning, I’d be very interested to hear your thoughts.