Internode are currently experiencing a severe problem with their infrastructure that has brought down email both client and web-based, Online Tools, Personal and even Corporate Webhosting.
No word on exactly what the cause of the problem is.
This is a serious outage from a company that is well regarded for it’s reliability. It seems no matter how solid or redundant your services are outages of critical systems can occur. We’ve also only services from big names falter this year.
Summary of Status : (updated 23:21 CST, Sun September 21)As of 14:45 ACST all email accounts are accessible by all methods. Internode expects no loss of data from this event.
Not all email sent to customer accounts after 11:40am ACST Friday is visible. Remaining email will be delivered over the next several hours.
This event was caused by a major infrastructure failure on Friday September 19, affected a number of Internode’s internal systems, including customer email.
All systems were returned to normal operation by late evening on September 19, apart from customer email, which took longer to restore.
Personal webhosting data was restored from backup to the state it was at approximately 3am.
All the details @ Internode