Evie Networks is one of Australia’s biggest EV fast-charging providers. The company continues to roll out new chargers at new locations every month and April was no exception.
In the month of April, the company delivered 30 new charging bays (effectively 1 per plug) across 8 new sites. This takes the number of locations in Australia that you can charge to 227 with an impressive 540 bays.
Following Tesla and Chargefox, Evie Networks is the third-largest fast-charging network in the country. A number of the sites were partly funded by the Australian Renewable Energy Agency.
Evie always does a great job at making charging locations very visible, with bright blue paint in the EV charging bay, however, you’ll notice that the ACT site features very green ActewAGL who’s company colours are green.
This is an energy retailer getting into the EV charging infrastructure space, a very interesting development indeed. ActewAGL offers an evEnergy Saver plan which includes four hours of free EV charging every weekend. They also offer home battery owners a chance to join their Battery Saver Virtual Power Plan (VPP).

The new locations are:
Derrimut Village Shopping Centre
New South Wales
Cammeray Square
Narellan Town Centre
Bungendore Service Centre, in partnership with ActewAGL
Australian Capital Territory
Wilsons Carpark, Deakin
Dolphins Central
Homezone, Windsor
(plus one more location site we will update on shortly)
More information at Evie Networks.