
    Gates is back at Microsoft for 30% of his time, helping Windows10 strategy


    Founder and ex-CEO of Microsoft is officially back at the company. In an interview last week with Charlie Rose (just published on Hulu), Gates confirms the change. He says Satya Nadella has a new direction for the company and is there to help. When asked about the upcoming Windows 10 announcement (that occurred yesterday), Rose asks if he’s back and excited by it. Gates replied,

    “I’m helping get the new strategy in place”

    Gates went on to say that there’s some bright people at the company and he’s enthused to see them step back and get in front of some of the trends. Rose accurately questions if that really means mobile, a big development in the technology industry that the company famously missed. Gates says it’s more than just mobile, it’s cloud, (which they’ve done a good job at), but also machine learning.

    He spoke highly of the deep learning at the company which is translating rapidly changing Office products and other strengths like being a leader in speech and vision. Unfortunately it looks like an editor cut stops Gates from expanding any further.  There weren’t many people at Microsoft that knew HoloLens existed, but you can be Gates did. A few days on from the interview record date, it’s clear why he could be so confident, with the augmented reality system and Windows 10 being received extremely positively.

    The interview itself was fantastic, focusing mostly on the health issues of the world. Melinda Gates was also an absolute highlight, she spoke about taking on some of the biggest challenges in the world and predicts that mobile payments are key to improving the lives of the developing world. The couple work together as part of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation which has now attracted more than $31.6 Billion in funding since starting 15 years ago and is well on the way to curing diseases like Malaria.

    This week they will publish their annual letter, in that letter, they’re making some big, new commitments.

    The progress we’ve seen so far is very exciting, so exciting that we are doubling down on the bet we made 15 years ago, and picking ambitious goals for what’s possible 15 years from now.

    Hulu is not available everywhere in the world, but seriously if you care about technology, health or humanity, do yourself a favour and work out a way to watch the Gates interview with Charlie Rose –


    This post is authored by techAU staffers. Used rarely and sparingly when the source decided to keep their identity secret, or a guest author who isn't seeking credit.

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