
    iPhone Firmware / Software 3.0 arriving next Tuesday (March 17th)

    iPhone 3.0

    News on the wire today is that Apple will drop new iPhone (and likely iPod Touch) firmware next Tuesday. But what should we expect from a full point release of their software ?

    I expect they’ll remedy a number of the widely publicized complaints or criticisms of the device.

    System-wide copy and paste probably being the largest of them. I find this most annoying with URL’s that are definitely NOT easy to remember and re-type.

    Application Notifications
    I’d also expect to see Application Notifications arrive. If they don’t Apple need to explain the massive delay in feature that was promised many many months ago, which they still remain tight lipped about.

    People are speculating that MMS will arrive, I don’t think so. While the iPhone may have been before it’s time in pushing people towards email over MMS, it’s only a matter of time before most handsets on the markets have email access. They’ve held on to that premise this long, I think ultimately it’s a far better option given emails don’t have length limitations and are free, compared to an MMS of around 60c.

    Podcast downloads
    Something they REALLY need to fix is there terrible adaptation of a podcast download system. The feature simply doesn’t work! selecting a podcast and pressing ‘Get More Episodes..’ often results in the iTunes app launching and sitting at the front page. It seems to be incapable of pairing the podcast name with a Podcast in the iTunes Store. Yet if you search for the name of the Podcast it shows up. Also there’s the back and forward to compare what the version of a podcast is, vs the latest available in the store. Don’t even get me started on the display of long podcast names that are completely unreadable. (i.e. Podcast Name – Episo…..).

    One more thing
    It’s been a while since the trademark Apple surprise, perhaps iPhone Software 3.0 could deliver something none of us have thought of.

    Not long to wait.

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    Jason Cartwright
    Jason Cartwright
    Creator of techAU, Jason has spent the dozen+ years covering technology in Australia and around the world. Bringing a background in multimedia and passion for technology to the job, Cartwright delivers detailed product reviews, event coverage and industry news on a daily basis. Disclaimer: Tesla Shareholder from 20/01/2021

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