
    NBN records download throughput peak of 12.7 Terabits per second

    During the past few months of Coronavirus lockdowns, use of the NBN has seen a dramatic increase as people work, study and entertain themselves at home.

    For the week from Monday, 11 May to Sunday, 17 May, peak download throughput during the busy evening period, increased by 15% to a massive 12.7 terabits per second on the main wholesale service, compared to the last week of February (which nbn measures as its normal pre-COVID-19 baseline). 

    The figures were revealed as part of the most recent Australian Broadband Data Demand report – a weekly insight into the peak throughput recorded in a week during daytime business hours, early evening hours and busy evening hours. 

    For the week beginning Monday, 11 May, peak download throughput compared to the pre-COVID- 19 baseline also increased during daytime business hours, up 10 per cent to 8.5Tbps, and during early evening hours, up 14 per cent to 11.2Tbps, on the main nbn wholesale service.

    Upload demand can be just as important in these times of increased video conferencing with the office, or loved ones.

    Compared to the pre-COVID-19 baseline, peak upload throughput on the main nbn wholesale service in the evening busy hours for the week beginning 11 May increased by 28% to 0.98Tbps.

    Peak upload throughput in the early evening hours increased 38 per cent to 0.94Tbps; and peak throughput during daytime business hours increased by 96 per cent to 0.98Tbps.

    For tips on how to make the most of your nbn connection and to learn more on what NBN Co is doing to support Australia through COVID-19, visit:

    NBN Co has launched a new virtual engagement program to help Australians get the most from their nbn connection, as data demand on the nbn’s main wholesale access service remains high and well above pre-COVID-19 levels. 

    The virtual engagement program connects nbn ambassadors with customers, particularly some of the most vulnerable members of society, to help customers to get the most out of their internet experience.

    “Each year our ambassadors attend hundreds of events, engaging with customers and giving Australians the opportunity to learn how to make the most of their nbn experience. In light of the COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent social distancing measures, we’ve quickly moved to online engagement and tutorials. 

    Moving our ambassador program to an online delivery model allows us to provide nbn customers with the kind of ‘face to face’ contact they’ve come to depend on, while also ensuring our ambassadors and the community remain safe,”

    Brad Whitcomb, Chief Customer Officer at NBN Co

    The ambassadors are available for 15-minute, one-on-one sessions run via video conference, or audio if preferred. Further, there is the option of ‘nbn 101’ presentations, held for community groups.

    In terms of a project update, NBN’s weekly progress report shows that as of the 14th of May, more than 7 million premises are now using the NBN, while 11.3 Million are ready to connect.

    For much of the duration of the project, adoption has been slow and with 4.3 Million households able to connect, but not yet switching, it’s likely the project rollout and project completion dates will be very far apart.

    The project is due for completion this year, which was scheduled for June 2020. Given we’re just over 5 weeks away from the end of June, that seems very ambitious with just 20,131 added to the ‘ready to connect’ status in the past week.

    Jason Cartwright
    Jason Cartwright
    Creator of techAU, Jason has spent the dozen+ years covering technology in Australia and around the world. Bringing a background in multimedia and passion for technology to the job, Cartwright delivers detailed product reviews, event coverage and industry news on a daily basis. Disclaimer: Tesla Shareholder from 20/01/2021

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