
    Nvidia tired of waiting for Intel, creates Tegra CPU/GPU Platform

    Nvidia Tegra

    Apparently Nvidia go tired of waiting for Intel to make fast, energy efficient chips. So what else could they do, but go out and make their own.

    Nvidia have announced they’re new Tegra platform, a specialty chip designed specifically for mobile devices that contains a GPU, CPU and system memory.


    Devices using the Tegra chips will be capable of running Full 1080p HD video, something that would make many current devices burst into flames. The platform is also “Ultra-low-power” meaning that battery life should be pretty good.


    Very impressive technology, and while where still yet to get hands on, it will no doubt spur development from Intel and other mobile chip manufactures. The clear advantage Nvidia has is their background in graphics processors. As our demands for more intensive multimedia tasks to be performed on portables, we need all elements (in this case included in a single chip) to increase in both speed an efficiency. A good step forward from Nvidia.

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    Jason Cartwright
    Jason Cartwright
    Creator of techAU, Jason has spent the dozen+ years covering technology in Australia and around the world. Bringing a background in multimedia and passion for technology to the job, Cartwright delivers detailed product reviews, event coverage and industry news on a daily basis. Disclaimer: Tesla Shareholder from 20/01/2021

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