
    Photo tips for shooting the #SuperMoon


    Tomorrow night the so called #SuperMoon will arrive. This is the closest position to the earth all year. Budding photographers will meet with astrologers to wonder in all it’s glory. Gone are the days of peering through a telescope and experiencing it alone, now we live our lives online and will share the event with the world.

    Tonight is a great test run for your camera and below are some tips I used to pull of my photo above.

    1. Dive into settings – You’ll need have serious control over the shutter and aperture settings to achieve the best exposure.
    2. Take lots of photos – With digital photography essentially being free, take lots of photos at different settings until you get it right, then share the best.
    3. Use a tripod – Even with the biggest zoom lens, your still shooting at night, the more stable you are, the crisper the image, while I didn’t use a tripod, it will help, especially if you use HDR, then it’s a must.
    4. Post production – When you pick your best shot, use software light Lightroom to bright out the highlights and shadows. Play with the sliders until your happy that the moons damaged surface looks dramatic, or those craters on the surface can be seen.

    Also for those playing at home, I used a Canon 650D with a 250mm lens. My best photo was achieved at ISO 160, f5.6 and 1/500 sec.

    Good luck and make sure you tag your photos on Facebook (now tags are working) or Twitter with #SuperMoon.

    This post is authored by techAU staffers. Used rarely and sparingly when the source decided to keep their identity secret, or a guest author who isn't seeking credit.

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