The browser wars are certainly heating up with Firefox 3 about 2 launch and Internet Explorer 8 not far away. But here’s a new browser to challenge them all. It’s called Pogo and it’s from AT&T.. *scratches head.
There’s been times in the past where people have attempted 3D interfaces and have failed as they were usually insanely taxing on resources. So much so they were unusable, however we’re living in Dual-Core and even Quad-Core processor world now with loads of inexpensive RAM and usually not all that much software to make use of all that grunt. Hopefully the requirements aren’t that high for this one, so the maximum amount of users can take advantage of this sweet new user interface.
It’s in Private beta at the moment, so I’ve signed up for an invite, I really hope to get an invite for this one review it for you guys and let you know how it is.
The videos certainly look impressive, Pogo features smooth 3D visual animations and a bunch of new innovative features.
Check out this video below to see Pogo in action.
More @ via techCrunch.