
    Snow Leopard arrives – Upgrading vs Clean install

    An early morning delivery this morning – Snow Leopard.

    Snow Leopard

    After spending some time with Snow Leopard, I’d like to share my experiences as many others will be making this same choice today and in the coming weeks.

    Upgrading vs Clean install
    The biggest question you’ll face when moving from Leopard to Snow Leopard is wether to upgrade or do a clean install. I’ve tried both scenarios.

    Upgrading – This is the simplest process, insert the disc hit the install button, click next a few times, wait around 35 minutes, then your machine will restart and you’ll be running Snow Leopard. The difference may not be immediately apparent, but we’ll talk about what’s new soon.

    After the install was done, Snow Leopard launched, my old background was still maintained, all my apps were still there. The down side was I wasn’t seeing the touted speed increase. A couple of noteworthy apps I found no longer worked were Delicious Library 2 and Digg’s Bigspy screen saver.

    Clean install – During the install process your going to want to choose Utilities and you’ll need to reboot into an installer. This means you can then launch the Disk Utility that allows you to wipe out partitions, wipe the boot drive etc. Then you can install Snow Leopard on a fresh drive. The time taken to do a clean install was pretty much the same as an upgrade, yet the experience is completely different.

    After the process was done I was met with the new Snow Leopard wallpaper, a fresh (giant sized) doc, but the best part.. a much snappier OS.

    I definitely recommend this option to anyone installing Snow Leopard. Sure it’s a pain to back everything up, then restore it from Time Machine and to re-install apps, but if you want the best experience for the months and years to come, this is the way to go.

    Lots more details @

    Jason Cartwright
    Jason Cartwright
    Creator of techAU, Jason has spent the dozen+ years covering technology in Australia and around the world. Bringing a background in multimedia and passion for technology to the job, Cartwright delivers detailed product reviews, event coverage and industry news on a daily basis. Disclaimer: Tesla Shareholder from 20/01/2021

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