
    Telstra announce iPhone 3G pricing, will release on July 11th

    Telstra NextG iPhone 3G

    It was previously understood that Telstra would miss the iPhone 3G Australian launch of July 11th by a couple of weeks. Well today Telstra have confirmed they will in fact make it to i-Day. Telstra have developed the branding of ‘NextG iPhone 3G’ which is quite a mouth full.

    Additionally Telstra are now the first Australian carrier to announce pricing.

    iPhone 3G will be available from Telstra on July 11 with a range of specially designed Next G™ iPhone 3G plans that meet the needs of any customer. The Next G™ iPhone 3G™ plans start at $30 per month with an upfront cost of $279 for the 8GB model and $399 for the 16GB model. Customers will receive the 8GB iPhone 3G™ model at no cost with the $80 plan and either the 8GB or the 16GB model at no cost with plans starting at $100 per month. All plans include free Wi-Fi access at Telstra hotspots and require a 24-month contract.

    As expected the phone is tied to a 24-month contract, with no mention of outright purchase price, call costs or data limits.

    Size NextG iPhone 3G Price Monthly cost Contract length Total cost (24 months)
    8GB $279 $30 24 month $999
    16GB $399 $30 24 month $1119
    8GB $0 $80 24 month $1920
    8GB $0 $100 24 month $2400
    16GB $0 $100 24 month $2400

    The problem with announcing your pricing first, is your competitors can always undercut you. With only 11 days before launch, Optus and Vodaphone pricing details can’t be far away.

    You can register your interest with Telstra here.

    More @ Telstra

    Jason Cartwright
    Jason Cartwright
    Creator of techAU, Jason has spent the dozen+ years covering technology in Australia and around the world. Bringing a background in multimedia and passion for technology to the job, Cartwright delivers detailed product reviews, event coverage and industry news on a daily basis. Disclaimer: Tesla Shareholder from 20/01/2021

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