
    Time Extension !! TopGeek 2.0 deadline updated

    Daytona TIme Extension TopGeek2

    Great news geeks of Australia, iiNet have just extended the deadline for entries into the competition. While it may only be a few days extra, it means there’s still time to submit an entry yourself, or dob in a friend who’s geek-related OCD drives you up the wall.

    TopGeek 2.0 Submit

    Lets not forget what’s on the line here, an all expenses paid trip to a geek conference of your choice. You’ll get return flights to the city hosting your geeky convention of choice, including accommodation and hotel transfers, a tickets to the event and.. $2,000 of spending money.

    While there can only be one winner, the prizes actually extend to the Top 5 finalists. Runners up can pick an Australian geek convention and receive return flights to the city hosting your Australian geeky convention of choice, accommodation and hotel transfers included and of course your tickets to the event.

    If you’ve reached this far in the article and decided your not going to enter, then consider on voting on those that have. There’s already some fantastic entries on the site, but I’d like to see lots more in the Tech category for which I’m judging.

    The new deadline is in just 16 days , so get on it people!

    Enter now @

    This post is authored by techAU staffers. Used rarely and sparingly when the source decided to keep their identity secret, or a guest author who isn't seeking credit.

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