Formula E is by all accounts the future of motorsport with the developments and innovations in the sport, offering the best chance to translate to the cars we drive (or don’t drive) on the roads in years to come. The cars aren’t the only area of innovation, with the sport making great efforts to better integrate fans into the sport with the likes of Fan Boost and social integrations into the live stream.
The innovation doesn’t stop there, with this amazing cable camera offering stunning new views to the race track and the racing. Check out the video in the tweet below to see the camera zoom not just around a corner, or down a pit straight, but through a city. There’s really no other way to explain it, other than bloody amazing. While some motorsport categories (like Supercars) are trying to integrate aerial footage from drones, Formula E goes one better, with a silky smooth track through the city streets to showcase the on-track action.
This weekend the Formula E championship is racing around the streets of Rome.