
    Was Forza’s Season Pass a good deal? TopGear DLC May 1

    Forza 4 Season Pass

    When Turn 10 started talking DLC for Forza 4 in September last year, it was revealed there’d be a season pass. The Forza 4 Season Pass meant that super fans could purchase all monthly DLC packs for a discount. The car packs were delivered on time from November through April, 6 months of fresh cars delivered 60 new cars to Forza 4.

    The Season Pass cost 2400 Microsoft Points or A$39.60. If you had you bought each DLC pack individually, you would have spent 560 Points which works out to A$9.24. A little basic maths has the real value of the Season Pass at A$55.44, meaning those who opted for a Season pass saved A$15.84.

    While $15 isn’t going to break the bank, it’s money that’s better in your wallet than Microsoft’s or Turn10s. Pair that with the fact that individual cars cost 160 MS Points (A$2.60), and you could have paid $A156 for 60 cars. So the Forza 4 Season Pass looks like a great deal right?

    One the surface it may seem like value for money, but you have to ask yourself, how many of those 60 cars did you drive and how long. Personally there was a lot of older classics in the list of DLC cars and while they are good for nostalgia, they don’t get my motor running.

    Overall I feel like I got value for money, but the equation is likely to be different for all. At $40 the price seemed a little steep at first, costing around half the price of the entire game. The reality was that 6-months of DLC was a great reason to keep heading back to the game each month.

    In the future, I’d happily buy another Season Pass, will you?

    If you thought Turn10 was done with DLC for Forza 4, you’re wrong. In just a couple of days (May 1st), the TopGear Car Pack will be released. Check out the trailer below and remember, this one is not included in the Season Pass.


    You can read more about Forza 4’s Season Pass (now expired) at

    This post is authored by techAU staffers. Used rarely and sparingly when the source decided to keep their identity secret, or a guest author who isn't seeking credit.

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