
    Bing’s homepage is a 360 degree panorama without plugins


    While most of you still use Google, the search war continues. There’s definitely some interesting things happening over at Bing. While Google have often been the masters of interactive widgets on their search page, Bing is offering a 360 degree interactive panorama.

    The magic here is that there’s no cumbersome Silverlight plugin required, just good old fashion native HTML5 + JavaScript code. There’s even hardware support for things like scroll wheel zooming. It won’t change the search result, but does change you experience at Bing’s home page.

    It’s unlikely that Bing will use feature this every day, but for special occasions, it’s a nice touch. If you don’t visit Bing much, there’s also HTML video backgrounds most days.

    Check it out for yourself at

    This post is authored by techAU staffers. Used rarely and sparingly when the source decided to keep their identity secret, or a guest author who isn't seeking credit.

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