Who doesn’t love Thingiverse? With such a huge library of Things to choose from, you can always find something that will quench your thirst to print somewhat useful plastic objects.
To add to the already high availability of this fantastic service, MakerBot has announced that Android users will be able to have access to the entire catalog of MakerBot Things from within their pocket.
The official MakerBot Thinigiverse Android app has arrived several months after its iOS counterpart, but is nonetheless full of the features that one would expect to find, including:
~ The ability to, of course, browse the Thingiverse library. It’s worth noting that the layout MakerBot has adopted for this application is modern, gorgeous and easy on the eye. One isn’t presented with a ridiculous amount of content at any one time.
~ The option to upload your own designs.
~ Share Things directly to FaceBook, Twitter, Instagram or by email.
~ Tweak your existing Thingiverse Profile.
Do we have any 3D Printing fans out there who wish to comment on this application? I, myself, am waiting for my PrintrBot Simple to arrive, so I’ll certainly be pulling down a copy in due course…