Its hump day, so to get you through a long Wednesday, we’ve got some brilliant Australian news. Streaming audio service Omny has partnered with Spotify to distribute a selection of Australian podcasts. At launch, these podcasts include AFL Nation, The Slow Home podcast, The Alan Jones Breakfast Show, Thinkergirl, Wilosophy and 300 other shows hosted on Omny Studio.
These will be included in Spotify’s growing podcast catalog which can be played through the Spotify desktop, iPhone, Android and web apps.
Spotify has been expanding into the podcasting market for some time and its well overdue to have Aussie podcasts represented on the world stage.
“There is such fantastic content being made by Australian podcasters at the moment” said Sharon Taylor, CEO of Omny Studio. Citing the quality of shows hosted on their platform as the key driver for the partnership, she says “Omny is excited to add such a strong amplification channel to our platform at a time when podcast awareness in Australia is at an all time high.”
You can find more information over at Omny Studio.