
    Google announces Chromebook Pixel with 1.8ghz i5 and an awesome screen


    Google has just announced the latest addition to its in-house hardware; the Chromebook Pixel. The touchscreen laptop is directed at those who primarily live up in the cloud but still want a bit more oomph from their machine compared to the other Chromebooks on the market.

    The laptop packs an Ivy Bridge 1.8ghz Intel Core i5 processor, 4GB of ram, 5 hours of battery life, and a 32 or 64GB SSD. If you don’t think that is enough Google has that covered for you with 1TB of Google Drive space for 3 years. It has a 12.85 inch screen with a 3:2 ratio which Google claims gives 18% more vertical space than a  16:9 screen would. As the name might suggest, one of Google’s proudest features is the screen resolution – 2,560 x 1,700, giving a PPI of 239 which Google describes as “The highest pixel density out of any laptop on the market today”. Pretty Impressive.

    In terms of connectivity and ports it has 2 USB ports, an SD card reader, a mini display port, Bluetooth and WiFi plus it even has LTE; whether or not the LTE supports our Australian networks is something yet to be confirmed.

    At this stage it is only available to order in the US or UK from Google’s Play Store at $1,299US for the WiFi only and $1,449 for the LTE model pushing these devices nearly in Retina Display Macboook Pro territory. There is no indication yet of Australian availability or price, but hopefully Google Australia will make an announcement about that soon.

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