During a Victorian Police media conference, Assistant Commissioner Doug Fryer and Police Minister Lisa Neville confirmed 280 speed cameras across the state have been infected with the WannaCry Ransomware. The malicious software was transmitted via a USB drive, from a maintenance worker who’s contract is now being reviewed.
Initially it was thought only 55 cameras were impacted, but one of the camera providers notified Victoria Police of a further 40 that had been infected. When reviewing recently updated cameras, the number then swelled to 280.
When talking about the threat vector, the Police Minister referred to it impacting both ‘Window’ (she meant Windows) and ‘Linox’ (she meant Linux), which probably tells you everything you need to know about how this happened in the first place.
Given the fines issued by the compromised cameras can’t be verified, users issued infringements notices will have notices held (since 6th June) will be held until the cameras can be verified they are operating correctly by the Road Safety Camera Commissioner.
You can rewatch the media conference in full here.