
    City of Sydney approves 9 more EV pole chargers

    Public charger infrastructure company EVX is working with the City of Sydney and Ausgrid to install 9 more EV pole chargers across the council area:

    • 16 Kent Street, Millers Point
    • 12 Trinity Avenue, Dawes Point
    • 55 Pyrmont Street, Pyrmont
    • 8 Brown Street, Newtown
    • 15 Carillion Avenue, Camperdown
    • 3-19 Yurong Street, Darlinghurst
    • 501 Glebe Point Road, Glebe
    • 2 Huntley Street, Alexandria
    • 3 Morley Avenue, Rosebery

    Note that one or two of these sites may change address but should by close to the initial proposed location.

    EVX CEO Andrew Forster told techAU that they would make a more detailed announcement once all these new chargers are commissioned, however, he commented:

    “In the mean time we’re just very happy to be working with CoS and Ausgrid to help catch us up as a city in terms of kerbside charging”.

    “The Glebe site has been great however our expectations this early on in the grand scheme of things is pretty low in terms of utilisation”.

    “We realise most people who can’t charge at home are waiting for the infrastructure first”.

    “In saying that it’s been fantastic in terms of insights into kerbside as a use case. A very wide variety of users in terms of usage behaviour”.

    EVX specialises in partnerships with Australian utilities and councils to utilise existing utility poles to install EVX’s dual EV chargers within hours of commissioning.

    EVX say they have developed their Polecharger from the ground up to meet the challenges utilities providers and local governments face in rolling out EV charging infrastructure sustainably while adhering to local electrical and planning regulations.

    The EVX Polecharger solution suits parallel street parking, particularly in residential areas where users may not have access to off street parking or power capacity in their apartment complex for EV charging.

    Specifications are:

    • Dual 22kw smart charging
    • Designed and Manufactured in Australia
    • BYO type 2 cable
    • Customer app (EVX)
    • RFID functionality
    • 24/7 Support

    If you’d like to see how an EVX pole charger works watch this video by Tom from Ludicrous Feed as he uses the one installed in Glebe, Sydney.

    Neerav Bhatt
    Neerav Bhatt
    Thanks to his broad general knowledge, research skills and ability to explain complex issues Neerav Bhatt has appeared in the online, print, radio and TV media including: ABC (Online, TV, Radio), SBS (Online, Radio), BBC World Service (Radio), 10 News TV, Sky News TV, Australian IT, Technology Spectator, Ausdroid, iTnews, APCMAG, IDG CSO and a variety of other publications. In 2023 he joined the techAU team and represents them at Sydney events.

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