We know we tried to fool you with a report on a leaked Facebook Home announcement yesterday, but this one is real, I promise. Android Police has managed to score themselves a system dump of the rumoured HTC Myst Facebook phone, including its Facebook APK. What it looks like is that Facebook Home is a launcher that will run on top of HTC’s Sense and Android 4.1.2.
Unfortunately, Facebook being Facebook requires you to log in to use it all. The problem with this is that since this is a pre-release version, you can only log in if you are a Facebook employee. This screenshot is as far as Android Police could get:
The build.prop revealed some more about the specs of the device including Sense version 4.5, a dual core S4 processor, 1GB of ram, a 4.3 inch 720p screen. a 5mp rear camera and a 1.6mp front camera. These not very exciting specs point to a low-mid range device which could be a big hit in the pre-paid market with teenagers.
The evidence for this being a home screen replacement app and not just a new Android app exclusive comes with these extra permissions that Android Police has found:
SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW – The Facebook app can spawn windows that stay on top of all other windows. According to the Android docs, “these windows are intended for system-level interaction with the user.”
DISABLE_KEYGUARD – It can turn off your lock screen.
RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED – Facebook starts as soon as your phone starts.
GET_TASKS – The Facebook app can see what apps you have currently running.
CHANGE_WIFI_STATE – It can control your WiFi connection
WRITE_SETTINGS – It can change your system setting<uses-permission android:name=”com.android.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS” />
<uses-permission android:name=”com.sec.android.app.launcher.READ_SETTINGS” />
<uses-permission android:name=”com.htc.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS” />
<uses-permission android:name=”com.sec.android.app.twlauncher.READ_SETTINGS” />
The interesting part about those last lot of permissions is the fact that they reference “twlauncher” or TouchWiz Launcher which suggests that Facebook Home will be released as a standalone app on the Play Store.
So Facebook hasn’t made their own skin, just an extension of their Facebook app. The full details will of course be revealed on early Friday Morning.