
    Julia Gillard took Google Glass for a test drive today

    Google Glass PM Gillard

    This afternoon our Prime Minister, Julia Gillard had an opportunity to try out the currently unreleased, Google Glass. The social media team for #TeamJG tweeted the image this avo after Gillard tried the futuristic hardware. Admittedly, it’s still weird to see anyone wearing the one sided, no lens glasses, but for the leader of Australia to try it out is significant.

    Having someone in a position of power and influence like the PM get access to new innovations like Google Glass will do wonders for future innovation grants and R&D budgets. With the Google IO 2012 attendees still waiting for their $1,500 dev kids of Glass to arrive, Gillard is now one of the first outside Google to try the glasses.

    We’re still waiting for a follow up tweet on what she actually though of the experience. While functionality may pretty limited in prototype stage, the future possibilities are pretty amazing, as indicated by the video below, released by Google. While it seems far away, there’s an incredible amount of insanely talented individuals working at that company and they’re also attracting some healthy competition in the space of wearable computing. The future may not be as far away as it seems and Gillard certainly got an early look today.

    The man responsible for the PM’s ‘road test’ of Google Glass is Google’s CFO and Senior VP, Patrick Pichette. Sorry rest of the world, but I haven’t seen the leader of your countries wearing Google Glass, Australia is awesome.

    Via Gizmodo Australia

    This post is authored by techAU staffers. Used rarely and sparingly when the source decided to keep their identity secret, or a guest author who isn't seeking credit.

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