
    All I want for Christmas is Angry Birds !! Available now.

    Angry Birds xmas

    Angry Birds fans, the wait is over ! Angry Birds Xmas edition is now available !! Exciting huh ? The game also support Apple’s Game Centre, so you can now play against your friends. The game is obviously US-build with the Birds getting Angry in the  snow. Ultimately its more of the same addictive game that we know and love, but hey why screw with a winning formula.

    It free to all those who bought the Halloween edition and actually comes in the form of an update, rather than an entirely new app. Expect this to rise to the top of the iTunes app charts tomorrow.

    Oh and if you thought you were going to play right through tonight, think again.. you can only play a level if we’re up to that day of the month.. how FRUSTRATING !!

    Angry Birds XmasAngry Birds XmasAngry Birds XmasAngry Birds Xmas

    Oh and don’t forget to get your loved one a Angry Birds plush toy this Christmas.

    Angry Birds Plush Toys

    While your at it, why not get in the mood for the festive season by adding the Angry Birds season wallpaper to your desktop.

    Angry Birds Wallpaper

    Jason Cartwright
    Jason Cartwright
    Creator of techAU, Jason has spent the dozen+ years covering technology in Australia and around the world. Bringing a background in multimedia and passion for technology to the job, Cartwright delivers detailed product reviews, event coverage and industry news on a daily basis. Disclaimer: Tesla Shareholder from 20/01/2021

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