
    Cortana for Windows 10 is coming to Australia “over the coming months”


    “Hey Cortana, where the bloody hell are ya?” Windows 10 is coming in just over a week and today we get some new information on the voice assistant, Cortana that’ll be introduced in Windows 10.

    Microsoft had already announced, on the July 29th launch day, Cortana will debut on Windows 10 in seven countries: the United States, the United Kingdom, China, France, Italy, Germany and Spain. You’ll notice Australia isn’t on that launch list, well today we discover that Microsoft is working on an Aussie version over the coming months.

    To get Cortana for Australia, you’ll need to be running Windows 10 and in the Windows Insider Program. If you want to use Cortana at launch, you’ll have to change your location and region to the US or UK, but once it comes to Australia, it’ll better recognise our unique Aussie accent.

    Microsoft say they are crafting an experience unique to each country and that’s the reason for the delay. Take Chine for example, they even get a custom Cortana character that’s playfull, where as the Japanese version is more professional. I guess the Australian version of Cortana will tell you where the nearest pub is or remind you to take your thongs to the beach.

    It’s not the first time our version of English has been delayed, we seen the Xbox Kinect voice recognition take months to reach Australia. It’s strange that doesn’t translate to Windows 10 on PCs or the mobile.

    When Microsoft talks about Cortana now, they talk about it as a service that runs on the PC, phone, Android and iOS. Clearly they get to integrate it at the deepest level on their own OS, but if you set a reminder, you may like to access those reminders on a phone from a different provider.

    More information on Blogging Windows.

    This post is authored by techAU staffers. Used rarely and sparingly when the source decided to keep their identity secret, or a guest author who isn't seeking credit.

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