The MacBook Air’s closest rival is the Samsung Series 9. While the best Ultrabook on the Windows-side, it’s biggest downside has always been it’s exorbitant price. The sexy black brushed aluminium laptop went on sale in Australia exclusively at Harvey Norman for A$2,499. It’s RRP has now dropped to A$2,299 according to Samsung’s own Aussie site.
User asa79 over pointed to a sale of $1,000 off the regular price at Harvey Norman. This looks to have been a run out deal as all references to the Samsung Series 9 has now been removed from Harvey’s site.
I saw this at Harvey’s today, they are selling out all their stock of Samsung (Apple air clones) at $1000 off retail price for $1498. Looks like a good deal much better then the old $2499 price tag.
The NP900X3A-B02AU model was opened up to other retailers like JB Hi-Fi but searches on their site also yields no results. This is quite strange, given JB HiFi is listen on Samsung’s own site when you use the ‘Where to buy’ link.
It may be Halloween, but it seems the Samsung Series 9 is pulling a disappearing act.