
    Windows 10 build 10041 now available for Fast Insiders

    Img credit: WinBeta

    Overnight Microsoft released the latest build of the Windows 10 Technical Preview. The Windows Insiders that have registered to try Windows 10 have two options for the speed at which new builds reach them. Slow and Fast and today’s release is now available for people selecting the Fast ring. This means things wills till be rough, but as we get closer to the launch of Windows 10, each build addresses bugs and feature requests from the last.

    If you want to check which option you have set, or change to the Fast ring, go to Settings > Update & recovery > Advanced options as shown in the graphic below.

    Slow ring

    Here is what’s new for PC

    Improving the Start experience: In build 9926 Microsoft moved to a XAML-based Start experience, and this release continues to build on that change. Start now has transparency, we knew this was coming from previous demo’s on-stage, now thankfully it’s reaching users. Microsoft has also addressed issues with the All Apps list like making the All Apps button easier to use with touch. Dragging and dropping apps from All Apps or your most used apps list to pin them to Start was a top request, so this has been added.

    Improvements to Virtual Desktops: The single most requested feature request for Virtual Desktops was the ability to drag a window from one Virtual Desktop to another. This is now possible in 10041. Previously, you had to right-click and use a context menu. You can also drag a window to the “+” icon to both create a Virtual Desktop and move the window to it in single step. There’s also support a filtered taskbar so that on applications running in a particular Virtual Desktop will show in the taskbar. This allows you to better organize what you are working on.

    While we think of a single Windows build being the same for all users, in fact some users will have different experiences thanks to some A/B testing. Microsoft is investigating different defaults for different users to help them decide what default to use based on feedback from Insiders. There’s also a filtered Alt+Tab so you only see the windows on the given Virtual Desktop, this makes sense and is a nice change.

    Cortana is expanding into new markets on the desktop: Cortana now also works on the desktop in China, the UK, France, Italy, Germany, and Spain (yep, still no Australia yet), in addition to the U.S. For people in these new markets, Cortana will help you find the things you need and proactively bring you information that you care about. Currently, Cortana will help you search for apps, settings, and files as well as search the web, but Cortana will get smarter the more you use her, learning your preferences and provides smarter recommendations over time.

    New Network flyout from Taskbar in Windows 10

    New network fly-out from the taskbar: Thankfully Microsoft have listened to feedback here, as the way network connections worked in Windows 10 was crazy. There’s now a network fly-out from the taskbar, like Windows 7, when you click on the network icon. This provides faster access to connect to wireless networks from this fly-out. This isn’t final, so expect more changes before the release of Windows 10.

    Enhancements to the Photos app: The updated Live Tile for the Photos app will now include your photos on OneDrive in the recent photo rotation where previously you would only see local photos.  There’s lots of performance and reliability improvements across the entire app. There’s now support for RAW image files, which should be a good addition for photographers and cameras enthusiasts.

    If you have issues with RAW files in the Photos app, Microsoft ask that you use the Feedback app and include camera model/maker so they can address it. There’s a brand new set of keyboard shortcuts for the Photos app – try using the tab, arrow keys and page up/down with the Photos app open. In coming weeks there’ll be more keyboard shortcuts added for popular actions/workflows. If you have one you really count on, use the Feedback app.

    New handwriting input panel in Windows 10

    New Text Input Canvas: You all have Surface Pro 3’s with pens right? Maybe not, but those that do now get a better experience for handwriting. Tap in edit control with pen, positioned near the edit control, it provides recognition candidates, suggestions and next word predictions.

    Experimenting with the Lock screen: In an effort to address the learning curve of a big new release, Microsoft are experimenting with the Lock screen as a place to share some “did you knows” as well as tips and tricks to help people learn Windows 10. Some users will have experienced the Lock screen lighting up with beautiful imagery and a “Welcome to the Windows Insider Program” message with the previous build we released back in January (9926). Between now and the final release, there’ll be more of this experimentation. First in the U.S. and France.

    Other countries, for now you will continue to see rotations of beautiful imagery. Your Lock screen may look different than your fellow Windows Insider’s lock screen, as we rotate through a variety of different content.

    Make sure you continue to send feedback through the Windows Feedback app, Microsoft say they are listening and although this build took a while to arrive, it’s clear in some, very specific places, they are.

    There’s more information available on build 10041 at the Windows Blog.

    This post is authored by techAU staffers. Used rarely and sparingly when the source decided to keep their identity secret, or a guest author who isn't seeking credit.

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