International Windows Phone users get their music fix from the Zune marketplace, unfortunately Australians are still waiting for a music solution. Today Universal Music launched a new application for Windows Phone 7, called GetMusic, this free app gives Aussies their first chance to buy music on the platform.
Prices for singles range from A$1.65 for back catalogue to $2.15 for new releases. This compares to A$1.69 – A$2.19 for iTunes music, while its cheaper, the problem is the limited selection of music.
While Universal is one of the 4 major labels, they are just that.. one label. Music purchasers should never have to wonder if a certain track or artist is available in a music store, not in 2011. There are 356 artists listed on the Getmusic site, while on first glance its a decent range, we should remember there are hundreds of thousands of artists. This means your chances of finding your favourite niche music are not great.
While there is a limited ‘Feature’ section, there’s no chart information, leaving users no option to browse or see what’s popular. Universal could have used in-store sales or even partnered with top40 to bring local charts, instead the best we get is a ‘latest releases’ list.
To its credit, the Getmusic app does provide additional information on artists with a News section, however its strangely the first screen you see when pressing on an artist. This gets in the way of your music purchasing experience. Sure it’d be great to have the ability to flick sideways and access it if your interested, but the primary focus should be the music.
Lets compare the buying process between the iPhone and Getmusic on WP7.
Overall buying music from Getmusic is a pretty broken experience when compared to the market leader – iTunes. Sure you could continue to use iTunes to buy your music, then download to your computer, then sync to your WP7 device. If your thinking Getmusic is a legitimate replacement for Zune, it is not.
More information, signup and auto-playing music at